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Watch A Sample Pattern Application

Are you like me?

  • Do you love the Taekwon-do patterns?

  • Do you wonder about the applications of the moves?

  • Do you suspect they contain 'secret' techniques?

Well you are right!  They do! 

Discover the secret 'Self-Defence' applications in TKD pattern Joong Gun  

TKD patterns contain the largest collection of ‘really useful’ self-defence techniques you will ever find. 


So why are the Taekwon-do patterns so difficult to decipher? 


Well like  most codes, though right in front us,  the answers are hidden and almost impossible to see.  This is why so many instructors concentrate on what a pattern looks like rather than what it contains.   Many instructors tell me they would love to know how to apply the secret  self-defence  the patterns contain.  They just can't find good materials that can explain them.  

Doesn't Taekwon-do already teach effective self -defence?

Taekwon-do is an incredibly effective art at long range.  TKD people are the best at kicking and our sparring is exciting and dynamic. However, real violence happens in very close proximity.  Bad guys may use subterfuge, distraction or simply rush you to get close, but ‘real violence’ doesn’t occur at the range TKD trains for. And violence takes many forms other than just punches, kicks and blocks.



For example does you training prepare you for being:


  • grabbed and seized 
  • bear hugged 
  • strangled 
  • pulled by hair 
  • thrown 
  • head locked 
  • thrust against a wall 
  • repeated punched with hook punches 
  • head butted 



The answer is both yes and no for the vast majority of us.  Your classes may not specifically address these types of ‘real life’ violent attack but… your patterns do.  Yes, that right it’s all in the patterns!


Does this mean my training is useless?


No it most certainly doesn’t! TKD will give you fitness, body conditioning and a set of skills to deal with long range attacks.  However, if you want to discover how to deal with ‘close proximity’ threats you need only look at the patterns.


So how do I discover what is in the patterns?


Well, there is the rub.  It's tricky!  Unless you have had specific training in grappling based arts you may not be able to access all the great self-defence hidden in the patterns and they will just be a form of dance.  This leaves you with two options:


Option.1) Cross-train in a number of both practical and esoteric martial arts and collect their self-defence techniques. You can then practise them within the patterns and get the most from your TKD training


This will take you a lifetime! And to be honest most people have lives outside of martial arts.  Most people can’t travel the world seeking out expert advice and gaining belts in other arts. And why would you wish to?  It's Taekwon-do we love right?


Option.2) Find a guide who has done this already and can help you find the answers you are looking for.


Well you are in luck!  Because that is me ;)



So is it disrespectful or dishonest to question the standard applications of the patterns?


No it most certainly is not!  General Choi himself was known to say that each technique can have a multitude of applications” and that “one application may suit one person and not another”.  This makes perfect sense if you think about how people vary in size, shape, age and fitness levels.  Only insecure people will be threatened by questions.


In an age of reality-based arts like Krav Maga and MMA if we want to stay relevant, we should embrace what it is that makes us unique.  Namely the beautiful patterns of Taekwon-do and their treasure trove of self-defence techniques.


Above: What you can expect on this course



My story

My Name is Ciaran McDonald M.A., M.Ed.  I am an academic, celebrated author and martial arts nut.

I am currently the Head instructor of the highly successful martial arts schools:

  • Oxfordshire Taekwon-do                
  • Didcot Old School Karate-Jutsu



I love Taekwon-do.  I love the kicking, the sparring, the dynamism and the beautiful patterns; I love it all.  I was so proud when I finally managed to achieve my black belt.  However, strangely I was also dissappointed.


You see for many years I had begun to suspect that the patterns contained much more than just blocks, kicks and punches.  However. no one had confirmed my suspicions. I thought it was 'secret knowledge' that would be revealed to me on gaining my blackbelt.  Imagine my disappointment when I found out: 


  1. No one knew what the patterns contained!  
  2. No one was ever going to reveal the secrets because the knowledge had been lost in time!


I was distraught and went through a crisis of confidence.  I concluded that I could either:

  1. Accept the situation and settle for never knowing what it was I had spent years studying or…
  2. I could seek out the answers


I chose option 2 and so began my journey of discovery.

My Journey of Discovery


My journey took me round the world and I trained in many grappling systems and striking arts.  



In my time I have studied:


  • ITF Taekwon-do
  • P.U.M.A. Taekwon-do
  • WTF Taekwondo
  • Free-style Taekwon-do
  • Shotokan Karate
  • Koryu Uchinadi
  • Classical Ju-Juitsu
  • Application Based Karate
  • Brazilian Ju-Juitsu
  • Kick Boxing
  • Yamane Ryu Kobudo
  • And attended countless seminars on ‘reality based arts’ and weapons defence


Many of these arts seemed to have some of the answers but none had all of what I was looking for... until I met Patrick McCarthy 9th Dan in Koryo Uchinadi.  Through him I learnt an old form of application based karate which dealt with all manner of violent encounters in a systematised and hands on way.  I learnt:

  • Pressure point striking  
  • Throwing
  • Ground fighting
  • Strangulation
  • Joint manipulation
  • Clinch work
  • And kata applications

All the bits that were missing from TKD.  The Karate kata were so similar in parts to the TKD patterns that I began so note the commonalities and wrote about them in my ‘critally acclaimed book ‘Old School Persepctives on Taekwon-do’.  


Not only that but I began to build up a bank of applications that I was sure were the ‘real’ secret applications for the Taekwon-do patterns.  I was elated to discover that as I suspected Taekwon-do did indeed deal with all manner of violent attacks at all ranges and for all body types.


I could at last confirm what I had always suspected:


Taekwon-do contains some of the most effective self-defence techniques known to humans.   


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Though I was already a 3rd degree and Instructor in Taekwon-do I decided to gain my blackbelt and teaching qualification from Hanshi Patrick McCarthy 9th Dan and in 2012 I opened my own school teaching Koryu Uchinadi (KU).  I was now an instructor in both TKD and Old School Karate. 




TKD was my first love and I wanted to share my findings with the world of `TKD' 

That’s why I founded 'Old School Perspectives on Taekwon-do'  

Inspired by this need I wrote and published a critically acclaimed book: "Old School Perspectives on Taekwon-do"  designed to help the TKD world find the most effective self-defence in the TKD patterns and make it ready for self-defence in the ‘real world’.   


My scored ‘10 out of 10’ from Grand Masters and Masters alike.


It is this knowledge that I now offer the Taekwon-do world in this unique course on the beautiful pattern Joong-Gun Tul.



This is what this course offers:

  • The worlds first comprehensive course on the ‘secret’ applications of pattern Joong-Gun

  • Confidence in being able to defend yourself against grabs, chokes, restraints, hook punches, wrist locks, kicks and much more…

  • The results of 10 years of academic research and 25 years of physical training

  • Countless detailed explanations in how to perform throws, chokes, wrist locks, effective blocks, trapping and follow up ground control techniques

  • The worlds first professionally developed two-person drills designed to safely train the deadly techniques of the TKD patterns

  • Access to the secret world of TKD History

  • Effective and efficient self-defence that is both timeless and universally applicable

  • An easy to follow and incremental approach to learning designed by professional educator and academic Ciaran McDonald M.A., M.Ed.

  • A completely new approach to study that will breathe life into TKD for many years to come

All contained in a unique online course! 

This can be visited as many times as the learner requires for a one off fee!

What People Say About Old School Perspectives

GM Mel Steiner - 9th Degree ITF USA

Should be required reading

GM Mel Steiner - 9th Degree ITF USA

Seems to me that this book should be REQUIRED reading for all Ch’ang Hon black belts from 9th dan down. Kudos to Mr. MacDonald for exposing the short comings of “our” art. Has been my view point that our art could not be considered complete solely as a “percussion” art as presently taught and that in fact, sweeping, throwing, joint attacks etc... are “ hidden” within our moves but not presently explained nor included in the encyclopedia. More deeper detail is found in this book which I agree with 100%. Grandmaster Steiner 9th Dan
Scott McMillan - 5th Degree


Scott McMillan - 5th Degree

I'd like to thank Ciaran for this. In my opinion it's what Taekwondo needs....because there are some explanations in the Encyclopedia that don't make sense. However, the dvd on Joon gun is a good piece of work that all Taekwondo Instructors and students should have in there dvd reference library! Loving the work 10/10
GM James Tjin A Ton - 9th Degree ITF

Your Book is Great

GM James Tjin A Ton - 9th Degree ITF

Your book is great and i recommend this book to all students of ITF Patterns to open their mind and not only for applications of the patterns by our founder General Choi Hong Hi.
GM Paul Liversidge - 9th Degree

One of the best book I've read on TKD

GM Paul Liversidge - 9th Degree

It is one of the best books I've read on Tae Kwon-Do. I started Judo at an early age, then Shotokan Karate, leading onto Tae Kwon-Do, so I can see where the author is coming from re his presentation of various techniques. I certainly enjoyed reading this excellent presentation of the history of the development of the International Tae Kwon-Do Federation and the patterns. It is a pleasure and an enjoyable experience to read and I recommend this book to all I rate this book 10 out of 10
David Price -3rd Degree

Well researched and presented

David Price -3rd Degree

Clear and to the point. not all applications will suit all people, but its a great starting point to examine the combinations within the Tkd patterns. I love the way Ciaran’s dvd details drills for an entire pattern, rather than just picking the odd combination here and there which a lot of youtube videos do, and missing out the ones that are "difficult to decipher". Was pleased to see that the method of using the chamber position for blocks as the block itself before using the blocking movement to strike or grab the attacker, as this is a method I already use myself. I’m now revisiting this review and adding to it! Since my original one, I’ve purchased both Ciaran’s book and also his online blocking course, in addition to the Joong Gun dvd. Both book and online course are well researched and presented, and as always the emphasis is on using TKD to deal with HAOV (Habitual Acts Of Violence). This is just the sort of resources that the TKD community need to make TKD complete. The Old School Perspectives series of resources is the WHY we do it to General Choi’s HOW. While not everyone will agree with the methods and information presented, it will be thought provoking to all and should make students and instructors re-examine their syllabus.
Stuart Anslow - 5th Degree (Author and Editor)

A joy to read!

Stuart Anslow - 5th Degree (Author and Editor)

A joy to read Well thought out, researched thoroughly and presented well .

Course curriculum

  • 1

    What is this course?

    • About this course
  • 2

    Welcome to the course!

    • Introduction
    • Example of Joong Gun Tul performed
  • 3

    Template 1: Middle knife hand; snap kick; upward palm block

  • 4

    Template 2: Knife hand guarding block; upward elbow strike

    • Template 2 Demo
    • Knife Hand Guarding Block Chamber
    • Application 1: Strike to the chin
    • Application 2: Attacking the elbow
  • 5

    Template 3: Twin vertical punch; twin upset punch

    • Template 3 Demo
    • Application: Release from a double lapel grab
  • 6

    Template 4: Rising X-block; back fist; release; high punch

    • Template 4 Demo
    • Problems with current explanation
    • Application: Release from a wrist grab
  • 7

    Template 5: double forearm block; punch; side kick

    • Template 5 Demo
    • Doo Palmok Makgi
    • Application: A hip throw
  • 8

    Template 6: Low pressing block

    • Template 6 Demo
    • Issues with the current explanation
    • Application 1: Arm bar takedown
    • Application 2: Pressing the head
    • Application 3: Against a turning kick
  • 9

    Template 7: Circular punch

    • Template 7 Demo
    • Application: A choke
  • 10

    Template 8: U-Shaped block (x 2)

    • Template 8 Demo
    • Issues with current explanation
    • Application 1: Escaping a headlock
    • Application 2: Against a front kick
  • 11

    2 person flow drills

    • Flow Drill: 70% speed
    • Flow Drill: Learning speed
    • Flow Drill: Slow motion with explanation
    • Flow Drill: Slow motion (angle 2)
  • 12

    25% discount and much more...

    • Other Resources


Ciaran McDonald

Founder of Old School Perspectives

Ciaran McDonald

Hi, my name is Ciaran McDonald M.A., M.Ed. I‘m a martial arts nut. I am author of the Explosive new book "Old School Perspectives on Taekwon-do" (loved by Grand Masters and Masters all over the world). I am an academic, student, instructor and creator of the OSP system.

I am the head instructor of Oxfordshire Taekwon-do and Didcot Old School Karate Jutsu.
I am a 4th Degree in ITF Taekwon-do, A black belt Shidoin in Koryu Uchinadi, A blue belt in Brazilian Jujutsu and I am currently struggling to get my black belt in Kickboxing. However, I have studied many other arts too!

I have spent the last 10 years researching and collecting the hidden applications and lost self defence practices of the Taekwondo-do patterns. I have found these in other older arts and have brought them back to share with my Taekwondo-do brethren.

It is my mission to help 10,000 people in the Taekwon-do world discover the great self-defence in their patterns by 2025.

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